Christianity.org.uk is a place to access balanced information on the Christian faith, representing many viewpoints. Here we share a selection of articles written from singular viewpoints. Christianity is not a homogenous faith, but encompasses people from all different backgrounds and with different views on the world. We try to disagree well, and to focus on the core of our faith.
This is a page where some of the differing views are expressed.
OPINION - God's ways are not our ways
OPINION - Heart for the Hood
OPINION - Faith in later life
OPINION - Near death experiences
OPINION - God and fitness
OPINION - Being securely single
Opinion - God's faithfulness - a potter's tale
Opinion - The perils of self-belief
OPINION - Miracles and healing today
OPINION - Sense of the sacred in all things
OPINION - Why is social justice important?
OPINION - Life as a nun
OPINION - Supporting family through mental illness
OPINION - Facing death
OPINION - Neurodiversity - thinking differently about faith
OPINION - Artificial intelligence - what is it good for?
OPINION - Depression and Christian faith
OPINION - Body image
OPINION - It's a marathon, not a sprint - following Jesus is slow work
OPINION - Looking at Christianity from a Muslim background
OPINION - Star Wars and Christianity
8 Alister McGrath - Thinking about the Trinity
OPINION - Poems for Easter
OPINION - migration and asylum
OPINION - Ghosts, the afterlife, and paranormal in the Bible
7 Alister McGrath - How does Jesus set us free?
6 Alister McGrath - Christ is our Saviour, but what does that mean?
OPINION - Short stories about God
5 Alister McGrath - How can we make sense of Jesus?
OPINION - My search for meaning
OPINION - Do animals go to heaven?
4 Alister McGrath - Do I matter?
OPINION - Ask a Christian about their faith
3 Alister McGrath - Is there more to life than this?
OPINION - A jubilee for debt justice
OPINION - Identity
2 Alister McGrath - Is faith a leap in the dark?
OPINION - Humility
OPINION - The great giveaway of love
OPINION - Why I believe (and why I doubt)
OPINION - Animals and faith
OPINION - Transhumanism and being human
Alister McGrath answers your questions
OPINION - Humour in an age of tragedy
OPINION - Civil disobedience for the greater good?
OPINION - Climate justice
OPINION - Conspiracy theories