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Legacy giving

Christianity Legacy giving

Legacy Guide

Your gift could make a difference to hundreds of lives.

We quite understand and agree that family comes first, and this should not be any different when it comes to making a will, after all, making a will is a way of ensuring that what God has given you to look after is utilised as you wish after you have gone.

Please consider prayerfully leaving a legacy to CEA after you have looked after your loved ones, it is due to such generosity that we are able to “spread the word” to so many people and also hold email conversations and offer prayer.

How to leave a legacy to the CEA:

1. Decide on the type of legacy you would like to leave. See below for the two most common types and some suggested wording. Decide which is best for you and then either the amount or the percentage you would like to gift to CEA.

2. Arrange a meeting with your solicitor. If you wish to leave money to CEA, you will need to provide your solicitor with the basic information about CEA. Our full name is The Christian Enquiry Agency Ltd, Registered Office: Wilson Carlile Centre, 50 Cavendish Street, Sheffield, S3 7RZ Registered Charity Number 1152730 Company Number 8302274

3. Visit your solicitor. If you are writing your will for the first time take along this leaflet with the suggested wording however, your solicitor will draw it up accordingly. If you have already written a will and would simply like to add a legacy to the CEA into this, then please ask your solicitor to help you complete one of the enclosed sample codicil forms.

4. Complete the response form below. We take seriously the trust that is placed in us by those who leave a legacy gift to the CEA. We aim to plan for the future and steward wisely the gifts we receive, and it can help our planning enormously if we know of your intention to leave funds to the CEA in advance.

A guide to types of legacy

There two main types of legacy you can consider:

A residuary legacy is a gift from the residue of the estate often expressed as a percentage share after all other gifts and payments have been made.

A pecuniary legacy is a gift of a specific amount of money.

For a RESIDUARY Legacy we suggest the following wording:

“I give __________% of the residue of my estate to The Christian Enquiry Agency. Registered Charity number 1152730, of Wilson Carlile Centre, 50 Cavendish Street, Sheffield S3 7RZ for its charitable purposes. I further direct that the receipt of the treasurer or other proper officer of The Christian Enquiry Agency for the time being shall be a full and final sufficient discharge for the said legacy”.

For a PECUNIARY Legacy we suggest the following wording:

“I give to The Christian Enquiry Agency. Registered Charity number 1152730, of Wilson Carlile Centre, 50 Cavendish Street, Sheffield S3 7RZ, the sum of £__________ for its charitable purposes. I further direct that the receipt of the treasurer or other proper officer of The Christian Enquiry Agency for the time being shall be a full and final sufficient discharge for the said legacy”.

Legacy Giving

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