All about prayer

Prayer is talking to God, connecting to the divine.
Anyone can pray.
And you can start now, right where you are - just begin and see where it takes you.
There are articles below about what prayer is, different ways to pray, and how to pray when you don't know where to start.
If you would like us to pray for you, then you can leave your request on our site.
And we've listed a few prayer resources to get you started.

What is prayer?
Would you like us to pray for you? If so, click here:
Prayer resources
Here are a few links to prayer resources that you might find helpful.
Pray about your hopes and for direction
Read a prayer and blessing for the time of Coronavirus
Remember a loved one who has died from Covid-19 into the St. Paul’s online remembrance book
Light a candle to remember someone you knew
Light a candle for general prayer here or here
Read or listen to the Church of England’s daily prayer
Pray for people to know Jesus, between Ascension Day and Pentecost each year
Join a monthly call to prayer
There are many more resources on the internet. holds no responsibility for the content of external websites.